Welcome To The Element Of Inclusion
May 5, 2020

Six Rules For An Inclusive Organisation Using Procedural Justice

Six Rules For An Inclusive Organisation Using Procedural Justice

An Inclusive organisation is a fair organisation
Find out what fair actually means.

An Inclusive organisation is a fair organisation

Find out what fair actually means.

Here are some key messages from this episode

  • The importance of Procedural Justice
  • The relationship between Procedural Justice and Fairness
  • Why Procedural Justice alone is not enough

Play the episode for more.

Here are some key takeaways from this episode

When people talk about fairness in organisations it’s useful to talk Procedural Justice

“Procedural justice refers to the perceived fairness of the processes within an organisation. Why, because processes lead to outcomes and we want to know that the outcomes that we create at work are fair”

There are Six Rules of Procedural Justice that you can apply

“what I am going to do is share six rules created by influential researcher Leventhal. These rules are 40 years old but they are classic”

If you’re breaking the Six Rules, there’s a good chance that your processes are unfair

“In practice, if you follow these six rules you are more likely to have procedural justice within your organisation. You’re going to see that enforcing these rules are much more difficult than describing them “

Here are some resources so you can go deeper

How Favouritism Threat Turns Diversity Advocates Like You into Diversity Opponents

The Role of Justice in Organizations: A Meta-Analysis

Check out these related episodes of the show

The Reason People Leave their Boss and Not their Job: Interactional Justice

Whenever you're ready, there are a few ways I can support your Inclusion Journey: